Italy… In a nutshell

14 Jun

I really had the intention of writing here every week, and finish telling you all about my Italy trip.

Unfortunately we sometimes get busy and/ or distracted with life and my blog got left behind but, I am here again, with the same first intentions…  hopefully I do better this time and add words to this Blog as that is its purpose.

 Italy was two years ago…  can’t believe that much time has passed.  My last post was from Venice.  From there we went wine tasting to Florence, which was my favorite part of the trip.  Not only did we taste amazing, local wine, but we met the wonderful people who make it.  We got to try cheese and even had the owner of one of the restaurants make lunch especially for us. 

The one thing I wanted to do most was see sunflowers.  Unfortunately they weren’t in season yet but our tour guide drove around until we found one.  The most beautiful one I’ve ever seen, and that just made my day.

 Last part of our trip was Rome.  There is so much history in this city.  The Pantheon is impressive, and the colosseum must have been my favorite one here.  So much to see and do, I would definitely love to go back.  It’s a trip I would recommend to everyone.

 So there it is, two years late but, finally done, in a nutshell, my trip to Italy. 

 Wish me luck so I keep up with it this time and share my “travels” in life.

2 Responses to “Italy… In a nutshell”

  1. Karen June 15, 2013 at 11:27 am #

    when we where driving trough TN last Sunday we saw lots of sunflower fields! It was amazing!

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